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Start Your Conversation With a Link

Simple Identification

Create your unique ID and use it as your identification without the need for sign-up or registration

Free Communication

Enjoy the benefits of text messaging, video calls, and file sharing without any hassle

Direct Messaging

Your messages are sent directly to the recipient without any intermediaries

Relay Service (Beta)

Stay updated with instant notifications and ensure prompt message delivery with our relay service. (Subscription Required)

A Web Application

Direct Messaging

Send messages directly to the recipient, eliminating middlemen and fees


You can use text messaging, file sharing, and video calling with your friends

Local First

No need for centralization and authentication, all users are the same and equal


Access InstaChat on your desktop, laptop, or mobile device

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Your Conversations Stay With You


You need to connect to a PeerServer, the server only acts as a connection broker, no peer-to-peer data goes through the server. That's why you see a load before your PeerID shows up.